This is a Japanese wooden bath affords the user the sensation of bathing in the outdoors, and essential oils and fragrance of the wooden bath heals and rejuvenates the user fatigue.
The Japanese Wooden Bath approximates one being outdoors bathing in a hot spring, with all the natural healing elements of being outdoors included with the use of the Japanese Wooden Bath. This has the effect of increasing the metabolism of the human body, also increasing the effect of the human immune system as well.
We are able to personalize your wooden bath to your size specifications. We can create your bath to fit the smallest bathroom, while making your bath large enough to be comfortable and useful.
Whether your bath is for personal use, family use, corporate, parties, or special events, your bath will accentuate your lifestyle and greatly add to your personal sense of style, cleanliness, beauty, and aesthetics.
We can create your bath to your SHAPE specification as well as size. Round, square, polygon, any shape is able to be created by our expert craftsmen.
We work with real Japanese wooden bath makers here in japan, clicking here you can see the manufactured models design that is selling in Japanese territory at this moment for residences and business use like hotels, real made in Japan with it original characteristics click here to view ours ready to ship list.
It is also to make a full Japanese wooden bath room inside a shipping container or taking it internal dimension as a project reference to guarantee the total Japanese